Meducate Academy On The Physician Associate Podcast
Those that follow us on social media will also know that we were interviewed by James Catton of The Physician Associate Podcast. We had a great time answering his many…
Those that follow us on social media will also know that we were interviewed by James Catton of The Physician Associate Podcast. We had a great time answering his many…
The past month has been frantic! Both of our partners (Wolverhampton and Chester University) have kept us busy with both their 1st and 2nd year cohorts. We have sent teams…
Last week saw us working online with our partners at Wolverhampton and Chester University. Although the role of the ACE is to work predominantly with helping the student to develop… It's always important for an ACE to understand the protocols health professionals must follow to help them take a good history from a patient. Once we understand this we…
Meducate Academy is moving, in many senses of the word… Almost three years in the business and despite the impact that Covid-19 has created, Meducate Academy seem to be leading…