Working Online With Meducate

ACE and role player Mark plays a suicidal patient in a scenario
Dealing with suicidal patients is very challenging and Meducates Associate Clinical Educators have years of experience to help guide the student through these difficult scenarios (Image Matrix Education)

Now that we have been in lockdown for almost five months, working online has been a challenge. We have had to explore new ways of working and teaching using technologies we have never used before. We embraced the challenge fully and have managed to work online with PA students at Wolverhampton and Chester Universities. In fact, we were even asked to do a summative OSCE at Wolverhampton University last month, which went very well.

In terms of teaching communication skills for history taking, there was very little difference from working face to face in a classroom. Students have also stepped up to the plate and invested time and energy in adapting to the new technologies and methodology.

At Meducate Academy we embraced this new approach to teaching online in the very first week of lockdown in March 2020.

Webinar for Matrix Education

This month, I had the honour of talking about the role of the Associate Clinical Educator and Medical Roleplayer on a webinar hosted by ‘Matrix Education’. We had over 50 delegates and talked for well over an hour, fielding questions from students attending Physician Associates Post Graduate courses at Universities around the UK.

Most of the questions were based on the students concerns and worries about their up- coming OSCEs later this year.

I was assisted by colleague and co-worker Mark and between us we provided entertainment as well as giving useful advice on:

  • How to conduct yourself in an OSCE station.
  • How does a student build rapport.
  • How to control nerves and anxiety.
  • What is the best way to prepare for a systems exam?

And much, much more.

PA student performing a CV exam with ACE Bob
Correct placement of the stethoscope is vital when performing a CV exam. Our Associate Clinical Educators know exactly how the examination should be performed and give guidance throughout (Image Matrix Education).

Collectively, my colleague and I have had over 25 years experience working in the field of Medical Education, and have taken part in hundreds of OSCEs over this period, including working with other Health Professionals such as GPs, Dentists, Medical Students, Nurses and Physiotherapists.

If you would like to know more about how we can help your students realise their potential please contact us at Meducate Academy.

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